Members of the FoLC

Paul Martin Hudson

It is true to say that the FoLC may not have been formed had it not been for the enthusiasm and dedication of Martin Hudson for this beloved Leominster Canal. Although it was clear that the canal could never be full restored, Martin believed that there was much that could be done in the areas of preservation, research and education. Under his capable leadership the FoLC went from strength to strength until he retired as chairman in 2011.

If you wish to read the full tribute as written by FoLC trustee David Slater, then please click here.

However, he remained an extremely active member leading walks and continuing his research until his very sad sudden and untimely death in Dec 2021. Martin is deeply missed by all who knew him, especially his friends from the FoLC.


Quite often societies are lucky enough to have a good and dedicated treasurer who can be relied upon to look after the society’s funds. However, it’s not often that societies get to have not only an extremely well qualified treasure but also one that did the job for over 20 years!

A founder member of the society in 2002 Bryan was, throughout his time with the FoLC a keen and dedicated supporter of the Leominster Canal so it was with great sadness that we learnt of his passing in October of 2023. Bryan will be greatly missed, not only by the FoLC but also the many other societies and associations of which he was a supporter. A very well attended memorial service was later held at St. Giles Church, Ludford, Ludlow to remember him.


Over the years Bryan himself lead many of our walks and while searching for photos of him for this piece, it became quite noticeable that he rarely, if ever, missed one of our walks and he could always be found in the crowd by his red woolly hat!

Martin's Tribute

If you wish to read the full tribute written by FoLC trustee David Slater, then please click here.

BRYAN HEATLEY RIP 15th October 2023