Friends of the Leominster Canal REA AQUEDUCT  Marlbrook, Worcs.




Registered Charity No. 113746

The Friends was formed in 2002 with the guiding hand of founder member Martin Hudson, who sadly died in late 2021. Martin, along a few other like-minded people did so much in those early years to promote and champion the memory Leominster Canal. With those primary aims, including preserving and learning more about the canal, the FoLC remains to this day true to Martin’s original ambitions and vision. The canal was originally planned to run from Stourport to Kington, however, only the 18 mile section from Leominster to Broombank near the Mamble coalfields was constructed. From 1796 until 1858 it carried predominantly coal and timber with the price of coal in Leominster halving when the first shipment arrived.

To promote the FoLC’s aims a yearly programme is arranged which includes, regular organised guided walks, occasional talks, social events and publications. The walks, which are reasonable short in both time and distance and at a non-hurried pace look at what remains of the canal as well as its route.


In addition the walk leaders will bring to life a social and industrial experience and you may be surprised by what does remain of the canal. There are two massive aqueducts, three tunnels, bridges, two wharf house at each end, lock houses and many identifiable stretches of canal. Also to be found are many culverts, feeders and embankments, including the impressive Corn Brook embankment.

While restoration of the canal is far beyond the remit of the FoLC, keeping an eye on its current structures and landmarks is and we hope to include as many like minded enthusiasts as we can and all are welcome to join. Some lengths of the canal lie on private land and therefore we are always very grateful to landowners for granting us special permission to visit these sections as part of our programme.

Membership is free and all information is sent via email. Please be assured your email address is kept blind from other members and is not passed on or used for any other purpose.

To receive more details of forthcoming walks and events, learn more about the canal and be kept up to date with the Friends of the Leominster please send an email to Mike Watkins (chairman) at……

.…..with your name, phone number (optional) and the email address you would like us to use and we will add you to our e-membership.

FoLC Past Events & Walks Members